Samalla reissulla tarkistettiin myös Bobin silmät ja ne olivat terveet. Viime kesän tapaturmasta muistutti enää arpi toisessa silmässä. Myös Liinun silmät olivat ok. Ensi viikolla menemme jälleen Koira-Kissa klinikalle, kun RistoRäppääjän napatyrä leikataan.
Old Cobbler's Checkmate, Bobi in the morning 31.10.2009
Old Cobbler's Checkmate, Bobi in the afternoon 31.10.2009
LätsäPekka and Risto Räppääjä enjoyd Bobi's coat on the floor
Bobi visited us after a while and I cut the coat. Puppies enjoyed the process because first they played with the coat and afterwords fell asleep on the coat. During the stay Bobi's eyes were checked and they were healthy as well as Liinus's eyes (Old Cobbler's Innocent Mind). Next week I will visit the veterinary clinic again because Risto Räppääjä's umbilical hernia will be operated.