Sunday 2 November 2008

Garún 5 months old

Last week with Garún begins soon and because of her 5 months "birthday" Totti took a couple of photos of us. All teeth have now changed and Garún has a complete scissor bite. She is a nice girl to groom, to show and to train. When we visited dog school for the first (and last) time she learnt to follow nicely in a leach, to sit and to stand. This is amazing because there were also other dogs in the school.

The cage is very familiar to Garún because first she used to eat in it and later we have been driving by car with the cage many shorter and longer trips. I really hope the flight is only an extra experience for Garún with the cage and she doesn´t get panic in the airplane.

20.10.2008 we took part to judge training in Tuusula organised by Finnish Old English Sheepdogs. Alma took part to the training and Garún had a turist role.