Old Cobbler's -kasvateista paikalla olivat Alman ja Garunin lisäksi Tosca (Old Cobbler's Kiss and Tell) sekä Mustikka (Old Cobbler's Imagination). Garun ja Tosca riehuivat kuten pentujen pitääkin. Surullista kyllä tämä oli siskosten viimeinen jälleennäkeminen ennen Garunin muuttoa Islantiin. Mustikka vaihtaa turkkiaan ja on menossa marraskuussa lonkkakuviin eli odotamme mielenkiinnolla tämän pikkuneidin lähitulevaisuutta.
We spent a wonderful weekend at Old English Sheepdog camp in Jaala. Autumn colours were just amazing and so did our dogs. We shared our cottage with 8 dogs and 6 people and survived with no bigger problems. We joined match-show, walks, drama acts and campfire in the evening. Four Old Cobbler's dogs participated the camp: Alma, Garún, Tosca and Mustikka.
See also more photos from the camp.
Old Cobbler's Imagination, Mustikka
We spent a wonderful weekend at Old English Sheepdog camp in Jaala. Autumn colours were just amazing and so did our dogs. We shared our cottage with 8 dogs and 6 people and survived with no bigger problems. We joined match-show, walks, drama acts and campfire in the evening. Four Old Cobbler's dogs participated the camp: Alma, Garún, Tosca and Mustikka.
See also more photos from the camp.

Old Cobbler's Kindred Spirit, Garun
Old Cobbler's Kiss and Tell, Tosca